Category: Classes

Category: Classes

4 Ways to Save Money by Calculating your Profit/Loss Right Now #taxtip #smallbusiness
Image August 20, 2015 2015,Blog post,Classes EM Lynley

September Online Writers’ Tax Workshop Will Help You Get It Right We’re coming up to the end of Q3 in September. While it seems weeks away, it’s a great idea to get started on pulling together income and expenses for the quarter (or the year-to-date if you haven’t been keeping up with the numbers!) An

Last-minute OH CRAP Tax Workshop for Writers #taxes
Image April 11, 2015 2015,Classes,last-minute advice,Workshop EM Lynley

[wp_eStore_cart_fancy1_when_not_empty] Late sign-up is okay! All lectures and Q&A will be available online after the workshop is over. Register whenever you want to access all the information and ask your own questions. Contact EM Lynley if you have trouble registering. [wp_eStore_fancy1 id=5] [contact-form to=’’ subject=’Question from Tax Tips’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’

2015 Tax Workshops for Authors
Image January 2, 2015 2015,Classes,tax tips for authors,tax tips for writers EM Lynley

2015 Schedule I’ll be doing three full workshops this tax season. Registration is at the bottom of this page.  If they fill up, then I will add another workshop. I’m offering all workshops at a discount if you register by the end of January, but prices will go up as tax season advances. Getting the

March Tax Workshop for Authors — still time to register #taxtip #writing
Image March 17, 2014 Blog post,Classes,Tax TIps EM Lynley

The March workshop is the last one before taxes are due on April 15. As some of my readers know, in RL I’m a tax and finance professional, and I’ve been using that knowledge to teach my tax workshops. Whether you like it or not, it’s time to stop procrastinating on your tax return. We

#Tax Workshop for Authors starts soon #writing #selfpublish @emlynley
Image February 17, 2014 Classes,Tax TIps EM Lynley

As some of my readers know, in RL I’m a tax and finance professional, and I’ve been using that knowledge to teach my tax workshops. Whether you like it or not, it’s time to start thinking about your tax return. We have a lot of new authors here who may be filing Schedule C for

#Tax Filing/Planning Courses for Writers start Jan 10!
January 6, 2014 Blog post,Classes,schedule c,self-employment tax,Tax TIps EM Lynley

Writers, are you stymied by Schedule C and self-employment tax? Not sure you’re getting all the deductions you deserve, or uncertain precisely what the IRS allows? You just want to know how to fill in your forms and what you can and can’t deduct. I will answer those questions, as well as provide additional useful and necessary information for tax planning and recordkeeping.

Tax Tips for Authors ONLINE Class Information
Image December 15, 2013 Classes,schedule c,self-employment tax,Tax TIps,tax tips for authors EM Lynley

Every spring I run my tax tips class and I always have people saying “I wish I knew that during the year.” So this year I am offering a two-part class. I know you’re busy and don’t want to have a full-on tax course during the holidays. (My qualifications) But there are plenty of important
