Digging my way out

I'm slowly trying to dig my way out of a black hole of no social interaction. I've hardly posted at all for the past month and I can't understand where all the time went! I had a great time during SF Pride Week, with engel82 visiting from Vancouver. Then after...

Rate the Blurb

New blurb for Thief of Hearts: Antiquities smugglers. A legendary lost treasure. A handsome, enigmatic stranger. Gay-romance writer Trent Copeland lands in steamy, exotic Thailand in search of inspiration for his next novel—and a romantic fling—thrilled to meet his perfect hero at the...

New Cover Art

I just got the cover for the novel formerly known as RARER THAN RUBIES. The new title is THIEF OF HEARTS: Tempted in Thailand…. No release date yet, but as soon as I know, I’ll post about it. It should be near the end of the month. Reed Acton is on a mission to retrieve the...

Anakin Winchester, wher...

Is it just me, or are pen names of late getting a bit too… well, fanciful and possibly even ridiculous? I’m not talking about a name like Cat Grant,  which pairs a “personal” element or interest of the author with a standard everyday surname; or Jen Bluekissed,...

New Release! EMERALD: R...

Emerald: Rewriting History by EM Lynley Contemporary gay erotic romance 89 pages / 20200 words ISBN: 978-1-61040-022-0 Ebook formats- html, lit, Adobe and Sony optimized pdf, prc, epub http://www.torquerebooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2743 Tobin Wyler is about...

Va-ttooing? No thanks.

I happened upon an article about va-tooing, taking decorating yourself to a whole new level. I’m all for expressing yourself and wanting to make yourself attractive to your partner, but I find this particular design a definite turn-off. Seeing this bearded guy on my partner would...