Marines, NaNoWriMo, and Other Coming Attractions from EM Lynley

With a huge sigh of relief, I sent off the finished NaNo novel yesterday. Weighing in at 75,452 words, I’m really pleased with this story. I used Scrivener to write it, and while I liked the ability to rearrange scenes, I’m still getting used to the interface. When I read through the whole manuscript, many pieces were out of order, so I had to figure out where they belonged. It was kind of like a jigsaw puzzle. But I’m learning and I’ll probably keep using Scrivener.

Here’s an informal description of the story, tentatively titled ONE MARINE, HERO

(Make sure to vote in the poll below about this one!)

Cobra Attack helicopter. Fleet Week 2014. Photo by EM Lynley

Cobra Attack helicopter. Fleet Week 2014. Photo by EM Lynley

Marine Captain Jake Woodley is a helicopter pilot and Medal of Honor recipient. He still struggles with the idea of being rewarded for a mission where he didn’t bring back every man alive. Being called a hero and having his photo plastered across the news only makes him hate himself even more.

Now he flies for HMX-1, the squadron that operates Marine One, the president’s helicopter, and flies other government officials and dignitaries around as needed. It’s a cushy job and he hates it. He’d rather challenge himself and risk death every day. But he plays it safe because of Daisy, his one-eared rescued retriever. Sometimes Daisy is all that keeps Jake getting up every day. Then he gets ordered to fly some officials on a series of classified trips that he suspects aren’t at all kosher.

Matt “Beau” Beaumont has been relegated to cover the fashion beat for the District Daily, after getting downsized from a hard-news position at the Washington Post.  When he gets an unexpected invitation to a White House dinner, he thinks his career may be looking up. Going up to a hot marine and offering a blowjob wasn’t on Beau’s agenda, but he decides to go for it. When Jake takes him up on the offer, it’s the beginning of something that quickly grows more serious than some phenomenal casual sex.

Then Beau spots an unlikely trio of men—a senator, a Pentagon official and the owner of a government contractor with very shady connections, and Beau’s nose for news sniffs out a juicy story. But Jake never expected Beau’s fancies to put them both in the line of fire. Until they know whom they can trust, neither of them will be around to uncover the truth.


If all goes, well it will be coming out from Dreamspinner next summer!

Other books in the editing pipeline: Dirty Dining, coming out early February, an all-new edition of Sex, Lies & Wedding Bells (April), and 24-Karat Conspiracy, Book 4 in the Precious Gems series (June).

A new edition of A Christmas Bonus is almost here too. I’m waiting on a new cover, then I’ll be sharing a lot more about that one!

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One Response to “Marines, NaNoWriMo, and Other Coming Attractions from EM Lynley”

  1. B.G. Thomas says:

    Sounds awesome.~ BGT

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