My #GRL2013 Story of the Day: Meeting @RJScott_author

FeaturedAuthor200x300There’s just too much to process about GRL this year, so I decided the best way to share some of my favorite moments would be to share a story every day for a week or so of the most amazing moments—or at least my recollection of them. Hope you enjoy them. Please share one of your own favorite moments in a comment, because it’s the little interactions that make the experience so memorable.

I think it was Wednesday morning, but at this point all concept of time has disappeared. It doesn’t really matter when it happened, though.

I was in the hotel lobby searching for coffee—much harder than it sounds for anyone from the west coast—and I happened to sit at a table with an empty spot. I noticed the woman in the next seat was RJ Scott from her nametag. [The first day or two we are all staring at nametags of anyone we don’t recognize or remember their name.].

“You’re RJ? I’ve been hoping to meet you,” I said. We’d emailed or FB’d about her coming this year.

“Em?” She had a big grin as she stared at my badge.

“Yes. Hi!”

I didn't have my own photo of RJ so I nicked this one off her blog.

I didn’t have my own photo of RJ so I nicked this one off her blog.

She got up and gave me a huge hug, which I wasn’t expecting from a Brit.  “Thank you!”

I was a little confused here until RJ told me that several years ago she had emailed me about sending a story for an anthology and that I was the first person she met in m/m romance who encouraged her to write and try to get published. I was completely surprised that my email or comment had such a wonderful effect. I’m just so glad she did ask a question back then and that my response made a difference in her life.

Before I ever sent anything to a publisher I also emailed authors and asked for help or advice. I received nothing but encouragement and answers to questions. One of the people who first gave me help was JM Snyder. I will never forget that. I am so glad I was able to pay it forward to another author who has since come to be so popular and entertain so many readers—including me.

That surprise aside, I had a great time with RJ and her lovely husband, Steve, who also hugs people!  They might not have been allowed back into the UK. I spent several entertaining hours with them, saw photos of their kids, chatted, drank tea and coffee and hung out with Amber Kell and Stephanie Hecht, two of RJ’s co-authors. I only wish there had been more time to spend with RJ later in the con, but once the events started, it was crazy and everyone gets pulled in different directions.

I also have RJ to thank for telling me about the dinosaur porn (which I could have lived without). I hope I can make it to a UK meet next year or the year after. I hear rumors one might be in Scotland, and I’d love to get back there.

Does anyone else have a story about meeting RJ? Please share in the comments. If you have any photos, I’d love to see those too.

Stay tuned for another story from GRL2013!

Enjoy a free read or check out some GRL2013 photos




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