Calling all #gayromance groupies: Meet the “Boys in the Band” Authors #rockstar #giveaway

Here at the Literary Love Shack I’m pleased to host the latest stop on the Boys in the Band blog tour, with authors Paula Coots, L.A. Witt, Rowan Speedwell, and Cecilia Tan. Each of these writers has brought a rock star to life in a recent romance release, so they got together to talk about music, musicians, love, and good old “sex, drugs, and rock and roll.” Today they answer the question: “Which real life rock star would you want to get caught reading your book and why?”

Scroll down for the answer and a chance to win a prize pack of all four books!

You could win:
Hard rock band Schadenfreude is finally on the verge of the success that’s eluded them for the last several years. With Aaron McClure as their new lead singer, nothing’s going to stop them…except maybe a steamy, secret relationship between Aaron and bassist Bastian Koehler. Aaron knows all too well what can happen when band members get involved with each other. After all, his last band was a casualty of his last relationship, and Schadenfreude forbids band members from dating for that very reason. But Bastian is too hot to resist, and besides, it’s just sex, so what’s the harm? Their passion in the bedroom is rivaled only by their ambition as musicians, though, and pretty soon, it’s going to tear them, and Schadenfreude apart, if they can’t get back to playing with the band.

Music is the driving force in Reed Lang’s life and he’s hit the jackpot when it comes to signing a major label deal and scoring a hit single or two. It’s never an easy task and certainly not for an out and proud gay man, even in this day and age. Now, it’s time to hire the backing band, shoot the videos, do all the promotion work and get out on the road. But what happens onstage is only half the show. When the wild energy onstage can’t be contained some become more than just hired hands. Friends. Mentors. Tormenters. Lovers. Surviving the circus of the music business, the rigors of the road, staying true to your art and discovering your heart show Reed that maybe there is more to life than being just another rock star.

It’s the 1980s, the era of MTV, AIDS, and Just Say No. Daron Marks is trying to make it as a guitar player in an industry where the whole world is the closet. Keeping his sexuality a secret would be a lot easier if he hadn’t developed a huge crush on his band’s lead singer, Ziggy Ferias. In fact, everything would be a lot easier without his crush on Ziggy… except for fame itself. In the latest volume of Daron’s Guitar Chronicles (volume 5), Moondog 3 are on the road. Is the tour bus the pressure cooker that will meld them together or will the pressure blow them apart?

ILLUMINATION by Rowan Speedwell
Adam Craig is burned out. Lead singer of the hard rock band Black Varen, he’s tired of the empty life of groupies, paparazzi, and hotel rooms. Worse, a life in the closet. Miles Caldwell is a brilliant artist, tied by agoraphobia and social anxiety to his family’s lodge. Alone but for his parrot, he spends his days illuminating manuscripts and hiding from the complexities of life. Somehow, the man who’s never home and the man who never leaves it must find the strength to fight for a future together.

“Which real life rock star would you want to get caught reading your book and why?”

Paula Coots: Probably Tommy Joe Ratliff, the guitarist for Adam Lambert, because I think it would piss him off.

L.A. Witt: Jared Leto from 30 Seconds to Mars. Or really any of the members of 30 Seconds to Mars. Because… 30 Seconds to Mars. I don’t really need more of a reason than that, do I? It’s MARS. ‘nough said.

Rowan Speedwell: Erm… I don’t really know a lot about specific rock stars. I don’t follow contemporary music much! I guess I’d want whoever is the most popular one at any specific moment in time, and I’d want them to RAVE about the book so people would buy it―and I would know that I got the rock and roll stuff right!! Purely commercial. So that would be… I don’t know… One Direction? (ducks)

Cecilia Tan: David Bowie, without question. Some magazine did an article recently that was something like “David Bowie’s 100 favorite books.” The man reads all the time, it sounds like, and my book is fairly well-laced with references to him and his music throughout. I’d hope he’d find the message simpatico and of course that he’d recommend the book to his friends! The book has strong Boston and New Jersey connections, though, because of where significant events take place, so if Bowie wasn’t available there are a lot of great second choices: Joe Perry or Steven Tyler of Aerosmith? Bruce Springsteen? Little Steven Van Zandt? Amanda Palmer?

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for a prize pack including all four ebooks below!

About the Authors:

Paula Coots: After seeing David Bowie and his lead guitarist, Mick Ronson, when she was eleven, Paula knew what she wanted to do with her life. Her plan was to play lead guitar in a band and hopefully make it big, and then after that focus on writing. Well, she didn’t “make it big” as a rock star, but she has had her share of traveling band adventures as a lead guitarist over the past twenty five years. And now she writes!
Facebook: | Twitter: @PaulaRCoots

Rowan Speedwell lives in a tarpaper shack in the North Woods, without so much as cable TV to keep her warm. She is allergic to publicity and loathes marketing, so her books only sell one or two copies. If you have one, she thanks you, as your purchase enables her to buy cat food for her diabetic feline companion, Kimball O’Hara.
Webite: | Twitter: @RowanSpeedwell

Cecilia Tan mostly writes erotica and science fiction/fantasy, but she started writing Daron’s Guitar Chronicles back in the eighties and is still writing it today. She is the author of Slow Surrender, The Prince’s Boy, the Magic University books, and many other novels and stories. She was inducted into the Saints & Sinners GLBT Writers Hall of Fame in 2010 and is currently a nominee for the RT Magazine Career Achievement Award in erotic fiction. She lives in the fantasy utopia of Cambridge, Massachusetts with her three cats and her partner of 23 years.
Daron serial website: | Blog: | Twitter: @ceciliatan | Facebook: thececiliatan

L.A. Witt is an abnormal M/M romance writer currently living in the glamorous and ultra-futuristic metropolis of Omaha, Nebraska, with her husband, two cats, and a disembodied penguin brain that communicates with her telepathically. In addition to writing smut and disturbing the locals, L.A. is said to be working with the US government to perfect a genetic modification that will allow humans to survive indefinitely on Corn Pops and beef jerky. This is all a cover, though, as her primary leisure activity is hunting down her arch nemesis, erotica author Lauren Gallagher, who is also said to be lurking somewhere in Omaha.
Website: | Blog: | Twitter: @GallagherWitt

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Other stops on the Boys in the Band Tour: Dec 4 Sinfully Sexy Books | Dec 6 MM Good Book Reviews | Dec 10 Pants Off Reviews | Dec 11 Mrs. Condit Reads Books | Dec 12 Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words | Dec 13 3 Chicks After Dark | Dec 14 Sid Love | Dec 16 Em Lynley’s Literary Love Shack | Dec 19 Joyfully Jay | Dec 18 Boys in Our Books | Dec 23 Elisa Rolle’s Reviews and Ramblings

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2 Responses to “Calling all #gayromance groupies: Meet the “Boys in the Band” Authors #rockstar #giveaway”

  1. Trix says:

    Very intriguing answers. This tour makes me want to see some project where the four of you collaborate!

  2. Lisa G says:

    I agree with LA Witt – Jared Leto – yum! I love rockstar stories – what a great giveaway!

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