#Delectable December: B...

I’m so excited to host B.G. Thomas as part of Delectable December. We met in Albuquerque at the secret Icelandic booze party that has now become a GRL tradition. Experiences like that bond people, even if you don’t see them for a whole year, and when we met up again in...

#Delectable December Fo...

There is still room to sign up to participate in Delectable December, and share your own favorite holiday-related food story or recipe. Authors, readers, everyone is invited!   Please share this:TwitterFacebookPinterestTumblrEmailPrintMoreLinkedInPocketRedditLike this:Like...

#Delectable December: L...

  I’m thrilled to kick off Delectable December with my wonderful friend LE Franks. She’s local, though we’ve spent more time together at GRL and Bent-con than in San Francisco, at least so far. She mentioned her mother’s cookie recipe in Atlanta and I...