Why Beta-reading Is Not...

When I mention my editing business, I often hear writers say, “I don’t need that. I have beta readers. Why should I pay you for something I get free?” That’s a great question. And I have some great answers. Beta readers are great for top-level impressions on a...

Got a writing or editin...

Leave a comment here, or email your question to em@smoothdraft.com. I’m happy to answer any question. I may even do a whole blog post about the topic if it’s one I hear a lot. Thanks! Please share this:TwitterFacebookPinterestTumblrEmailPrintMoreLinkedInPocketRedditLike...

How to WOW an Editor

By EM Lynley I can’t guarantee you’ll get a contract–that’s up to a lot of other factors–but you will distinguish yourself by not pissing the editor off, and often, that’s halfway to getting an acceptance rather than a rejection. Remember, editors are...