Erotic Romance vs Erotica

I know this isn't a new topic but it's one I've seen come up in a few places recently. Readers have expressed concern that they buy a book called an 'erotic romance' only to discover it's actually 'erotica'. How many times has this happened to you?

Where is the line between the two? In this case, it's in the eye of the reader, but that doesn't make choosing which books to purchase any easier.

To me, the difference between erotic romance and erotica is the degree of importance of the relationship between the main characters, above and beyond a sexual connection. If the characters work toward HEA or HFN and we follow a series of emotions, then I call that a relationship and a romance. If the characters engage in serial fucking, and that's their only connection, I'd probably call that erotica.

The level of sensuality alone is not a good way to classify books, though that is how some sites flag books with "explicit" content or others rate the "heat level." A couple could be involved in an emotional relationship and still do the kinkiest things you might never have imagined–off the charts in any rating system, while two relative strangers could meet and have not-very-explicit sex that only rates 1 on a 5-point scale.

So, how do readers know where along the spectrum any particular book is? It would be nice if authors or publishers could objectively rate the type of relationships shown in their books, but the problem exists in the first place because these parties aren't making the appropriate choices or explanations in the blurbs.


  • How often have you gotten a book that wasn't what you were looking for because the description wasn't clear or was actually misleading?
  • Anyone out there have a suggestion or solution?
  • As readers, how would you like to see books labeled or described so that you can tell what you're getting when you purchase?
  • Do you find it difficult to try books by new authors or new publishers until you read reviews and get a better idea of what you'd be getting?
  • Have you given up on certain authors or publishers due to this issue?
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