Cocktoberfest: Bulletproof Kinks

Hi! Janey Chapel here, guest blogging for EM during the deliciously named “Cocktoberfest.”

[Comment on this post to be eligible to win a copy of Janey’s latest e-book TLC 101!]

I listened in recently as authors talked about how they came to write m/m romance, and for a number of us, it came down to writing what we like to read. When you break it down, I think a lot of us are serving up our own bulletproof kinks – those things that blow our hair back every. single. time. – with the hope that readers will share the attraction and the fascination. I had more to say, but then I found this photograph, which says more than reams of words about my own bulletproof kinks:

I right-clicked and saved that photo with the tag “awwwwww!” but unfortunately never found the photographer to credit. I would if I could, because damn, that’s one great photograph. The contrast between the brute force the guy’s carrying and his gentle touch does things to me. Note that the kitten is completely unintimidated by the big bad soldier man, contentedly accepting whatever tenderness he has to offer.

Bulletproof Kink #1: Alpha males who can still show their soft sides.

In that same vein, take a look at Brad “Iceman” Colbert, as played by Alexander Skarsgard in Generation Kill, HBO’s extraordinary mini-series about the 1st Recon Marines who were the “tip of the spear” in the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

That’s one badass motherfucker, right there. My loins and I approve.

Bulletproof Kink #2: Competence. Show me a man who’s really frigging good at what he does, throw him in camouflage or an athletic uniform, and color me done.

Where did these particular kinks come from? The competence kink is easily traceable: I imprinted early on the character of Johnny Gage on Emergency! – a show about paramedics that aired in the 1970s. Johnny and his partner Roy did what needed doing, even in difficult circumstances (a chemical fire! a cactus patch!) and still managed to offer reassurance and compassion to the patients in their care. YUM.

Around the same time, I started following my beloved Tarheels, the basketball team from the University of North Carolina. The players were all tall, skilled, and presented a public image of down-home goodness and civic responsibility. As I grew up, I came to realize they were no better or worse than any of the rest of us, but the ideal remained.

The military kink is something of a head-scratcher, to tell you the truth, but I think at its core, it’s the competence kink writ large on the largest possible scale: life and death. Add in camaraderie and isolation and I get a little tingle.

So what blows your hair back? Best friends? Cops? Cowboys? Vamps? Tell me all about them!

[Comment on this post to be eligible to win a copy of Janey’s book TLC 101!]


Check out Janey’s latest release to see her bulletproof kinks on display in novella form available at Janey Chapel’s page at Dreamspinner Press

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40 Responses to “Cocktoberfest: Bulletproof Kinks”

  1. Vikings…. tall, barbarian types. *drools*

    More seriously, I like characters with real flaws that don’t just go away with a packet of instant redemption. I like situations where there’s lots of tension. Once the tension is gone, I’m bored.

    • EM Lynley says:

      Saranna–I wouldn’t say I;m bored once the tension is resolved, but I can’t stand when things work out nice and easy and painfree. Things have to be realistic or I scream and vow never to read that author again. 😀

  2. EM Lynley says:

    Awesome post Janey! I admit I was also a HUGE fan of Emergency and Randolph Mantooth. Glad to know I wasn’t the only one! Nowadays he wouldn’t be seen as any sort of sex symbol, so it’s interesting how things have changed.

    How much of it is uniforms for you? I love guys in suits, so dress uniforms definitely do it for me, but everyday uniforms not so much 😀

    So I guess one of mine is suits and ties. Esp if the guy has longer hair so even though he’s wearing more conservative clothing you can tell he’s not all that clean cut after all.

  3. Janey Chapel says:

    If your thing is suits and ties on a guy with longish hair, PLEASE tell me you watched the premiere of “White Collar” on USA, because you just described one of the leads — he wears vintage Rat Pack and he’s got a headful of wavy black hair and bright blue eyes and his jawline is swoon-worthy.

    I really did imprint on Randolph Mantooth like a duck — to this day, that lean, rangy build appeals to me, along with high cheekbones, dark hair. And he was *nice*, you know? He wasn’t a jerk. I guess I lucked out in who I fell head over heels for at that impressionable age — I could have done far worse!

    • EM Lynley says:

      Hahahaah, YES I watched White Collar. After seeing a zillion commercials for it for the past 2 months, I was in agony waiting for it to finally air. Watched all the reruns so far as well. I think it’s going to be a great show and I nearly wrote a blog post about it. Matt Bomer is definitely one of the hottest guys on TV today. I just wish we didn’t have to wait another week for a new episode. I hate getting hooked on a show like that.

  4. Janey Chapel says:

    Soooo glad to hear you found White Collar! I know what you mean about having to wait for a show to play out in “real time” — given the general assiness of networks today, it’s a real leap of faith to fall in love with a show right from the start.

    I forgot to answer your question about uniforms — I tend to like my guys a little more dressed down, casual, possibly even sweaty, in clothes built for play or outdoor work. I’ll take flushed skin and an untucked shirt over dress whites any day! 🙂

  5. Amy Lane says:

    What blows my hair back? Tenderness. Vulnerability. The ability for a man to stand, dripping in his enemy’s gore and shout “You can not have my beloved!” And kindness. I’m sort of a picky bitch, ain’t I? (Alexander Skaarsgard… grrrrrrr….)

  6. kayez says:

    Hey. So glad to hear from you. I didn’t always have a military kink, but I read Special Forces by Marquesate, by the end of it I had developed a full on fetish. Just something about a tough as nails guy who falls for another guy. I can’t explain it. Also there is some attraction to uniforms, cops, firemen, doctors. Is it someone with authority? Maybe.

  7. Janey Chapel says:

    Amy, if you’re a picky bitch, then I’m one, too. *fist bump* Want to talk kindness? In Generation Kill (which was based on a true story), Brad Colbert brings cans of Chef Boyardee in his personal rucksack, and when things are particularly grim, brings it out (along with a copy of Jugs magazine) to improve morale. Ravioli & combat jack material FTW!!

    Kayez, I will have to go put Special Forces on my TBR pile — it certainly sounds like a winner. I wonder if it’s authority combined with awareness of the authority and therefore the responsibility of it? Whatever it is, it works for me!

  8. Amy Lane says:

    *fist bump* And you’ve got me totally sold on Brad Colbert… add that description from the movie in with the you-tube film clip of Alexander Skaarsgard in the shower with two other guys, and he could be my new favorite fantasy… mmmm…

  9. Janey Chapel says:

    Amy, Generation Kill is superb all around, and Alexander Skarsgard’s portrayal of Brad Colbert is incredibly layered and well-done.

  10. I’ve gotta say one of my biggest kinks a really tough guy (cowboy, police officer) having a soft gentle side that comes through. Is that a real kink?

  11. Janey Chapel says:

    Saranna, if you’re into tall Vikings, may I also recommend Alexander Skarsgard to you? Of course, if you’re into tall Vikings, you probably already know the wonders of ASkars. 🙂 Your love of tension probably means you’re smart and like to be challenged by whatever you’re reading!

    Tessa, your love of tough guys with soft sides is definitely a real kink! Witness how many books have exactly that kind of character as the protagonist!

  12. Devon Rhodes says:

    Ah yes, manly men, all that testosterone flowing, muscles everywhere…then put him in a uniform performing a public service at considerable risk to their personal safety?? Gonna need some privacy, ahem.

    Love the athletic guy with confidence and leadership skills. Tell me what to do, baby.

    Of course, I also get tweaked by the Joe Average guy with humility that has no idea how adorable he is. Come to mama.

    Maybe that’s why many of my stories involve me pairing up the two types. 🙂

  13. Clancy Nacht says:

    I like ’em big and geeky. and male models 🙂

  14. EM Lynley says:

    Devon–A agree. It’s fun to pair up guys who seem opposite. I also love having the average guy turn out to be the really strong one in a way neither of them expected. That makes getting them together even more interesting and fun.

  15. Carol Luciano says:

    I enjoyed your post Janey. My God, Emergency really brought it home for me. They were some sexy, compassionate and tender guys. 🙂 What blows my hair back and almost off my head is one bad a** Scottish Highlander. yum,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    And I think one of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunters. Good God. But the man that started it all was Gregory Peck. right to my heart.
    Thanks ladies. Have a great day. 🙂
    Carol L.

  16. Gayle O says:

    There is just something about a man with muscles that does me in. Big bad sexy muscles. He doesn’t have to be a bodybuilder, just well built with at least a six pack. Doesn’t matter what field they are in, just lay on the muscles.

  17. Janey Chapel says:

    Devon and Gayle, it sounds like y’all have similar kinks! Muscle men! Confidence and leadership — YUM.

    Clancy, do you have any particular examples of big and geeky? Would Jeff Goldblum count?

  18. Ah, Gage and DeSoto…loved them so much I actually became an urban EMT in my 20’s. Spent 3 lovely years working with mostly hot, mostly young, mostly men in lots of interesting situations.

    And don’t get me started on the firefighters we often worked with. It’s that whole Good-Guy-in-Uniform thing the girls in SEX IN THE CITY even commented on.

    Even though I’m not usually into blondes, Denis Leary in RESCUE ME definitely is my blowback boy.

  19. Devon Rhodes says:

    (hangs head as she confesses)

    I always take the slightly circuitous route to my daughter’s dance class that goes right between the local cop shop and fire station…just on the off chance of seeing one of the boys in blue, or maybe a truck getting hosed down.

  20. EM Lynley says:

    Devon–that reminds me… I once accidentally locked my keys in the car with the engine on (don’t ask). I called 911 since I didn’t have AAA and they sent a fire truck. And some damn HOT firemen. They had to break into my car to get it open and they were pretty bad at it so it took about 40 minutes. Of course I didn’t mind hanging out with the guys while they worked. Somehow I managed to do the same thing a couple of years later (really, don’t ask). If you happen to be in San Mateo CA, this is something to keep in mind… just sayin’

  21. Janey Chapel says:

    Carol and Jan — how wonderful to meet others who remember the joys of Emergency!

    Jan, it’s VERY COOL that they inspired you to become an EMT — you are not alone in that; apparently the show really spurred the development of paramedic units all over the country!

    Carol, I love Gregory Peck, too. *swoon*

    Devon, you crack me up — I figure that’s your “payment” for hossing your kid all over creation. 🙂

  22. Tracey D says:

    For me, I like cops and vampires. I can’t explain why, I just do! LOL

    Tracey D

  23. Molly Church says:

    Great post! (found btw via the Torquere yahoo groups, in case you’re wondering where I came from)

    My “blows your hair back” kink, like yours, comes from early imprinting – hilariously, in case, on Return of the Jedi. That scene near the end?

    Er, *spoiler warning!*

    That scene at the end, with Luke in the throne room, and he throws away his lightsaber, and the Emperor goes at him with the lightening? And he begs his father for aid?

    Burned on my brain forever.

    (I know. For everyone else, it’s Princess Leia in the slave girl costume.)

    So – sacrifice and suffering is mine. Suffering well – not necessarily with perfect stoicism, but with an element of choice, and thus sacrifice – that’s what blows my hair back.

    (I think that also explains my mild, but life-long, preference for blonds – but only in men. With women, I do not have a preference for hair color (though the sacrifice and suffering thing holds true)).

  24. Janey Chapel says:

    Tracey, have you ever found a book that featured a vampire cop? I imagine that would rate pretty high in your book! 🙂

    Molly, it’s funny, isn’t it, what makes an impression on us when we’re young? For me, it was Han Solo in Star Wars coming back and giving aid when they thought he’d selfishly gone off to do his own thing. LOVED that. 🙂

  25. Molly Church says:

    Funny in both senses, yes.

    Han Solo has many fantastic moments. They all do, really. The original movies were good ensemble pieces.

    (My favorite Han Solo scenes probably come from Empire “They never even asked me any questions”, and then later “I know” – though when he tries, so sad and so bravely, to let Leia go, in Jedi? AWWW… and awesome character.)

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