Category: tax tips for writers

Category: tax tips for writers

2015 Tax Workshops for Authors
Image January 2, 2015 2015,Classes,tax tips for authors,tax tips for writers EM Lynley

2015 Schedule I’ll be doing three full workshops this tax season. Registration is at the bottom of this page.  If they fill up, then I will add another workshop. I’m offering all workshops at a discount if you register by the end of January, but prices will go up as tax season advances. Getting the

7 January Tax Tips for Writers #taxtip
Image January 12, 2014 Blog post,Tax TIps,tax tips for authors,tax tips for writers EM Lynley

January means two things in the tax world: time to start thinking about the 2013 tax return, and a new year of records to begin keeping for 2014. If you self-publish, you have even more expenses and obligations, so start the year off on a good footing. I’ll start off with the easy part first:

Last-minute tax advice for writers #taxes #author
April 14, 2013 2012,amended returns,Blog post,business,extension,ira contribution,last-minute advice,Tax TIps,tax tips for authors,tax tips for writers N.S. Smith

Panicking because you aren’t ready for tomorrow’s tax deadline? Here are some last-minute tips to make the process a little less painful. To get all the deductions you deserve and plenty of tax planning and prep advice, check out my … Continue reading

5 Top Tax Tips for Writers #taxtips #taxes
April 10, 2013 amazon,Blog post,smashwords,Tax TIps,tax tips for authors,tax tips for writers N.S. Smith

As both a published author, and a tax preparer, I know exactly the worries and frustrations my fellow authors go through every year. If  you use tax prep software, you’re never sure what’s allowed or where on Schedule C to … Continue reading

Still procrastinating on your 2012 return?
April 6, 2013 2012,amazon,Blog post,kindle,schedule c,self-employment tax,Tax TIps,tax tips for authors,tax tips for writers N.S. Smith

Writers, if you’re still holding off filing your taxes because you don’t know whether something is deductible, or you’re worried about self-employment tax, breathe a sigh of relief. It’s too late to sign up for one of my online courses … Continue reading
